Two Conditions that Benefit from Collaborative Treatment Plans

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If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that there is no universal approach to the health care of individuals. What works for some may not work for one. One barrier to overcome regarding health achievement setbacks is understanding that patient referrals can play a key role in resolving long-term health issues.

Collaborative treatment plans are an increasingly vital aspect of whole-person health. What this means for patients is an increased focus on health solutions that do not stem from a “one size fits all” approach. Patients are becoming increasingly savvy toward looking at the whole spectrum of services available to them. Here are two long-term health concerns that you might not realize can be referred to your Chiropractor for help.

TMD (temporomandibular dysfunction)

John Hopkins Medicine defines TMD as:

“Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are disorders of the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and the nerves associated with chronic facial pain. Any problem that prevents the complex system of muscles, bones, and joints from working together in harmony may result in temporomandibular disorder.”

Pains associated with these joints and jaw muscles are often referred to as “TMJ pain” (temporomandibular joints). One 2014 study from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health speaks toward positive health outcomes for one woman who suffered from TMD. In the case study, the woman was referred to both a Dentist and a Chiropractor for treatment with positive results after just three weeks!

Chronic Pain Related to Social Factors

One potentially surprising Chiropractic referral possibility that makes a lot of sense considering different types of pain is through the field of Psychology. In a 2019 article on the American Chiropractic Association website titled “Psychological, Social Factors in Chronic Pain: The Impact on Chiropractic Patients,” one doctor states:

“Recognizing the influence of psychological and social factors does not challenge those who treat pain from a physical perspective, such as doctors of chiropractic.  On the contrary, recognizing the role of psychological factors in how patients respond to their pain may provide insights for DCs [Doctors of Chiropractic] in tailoring their approaches, and at times, may help explain why some patients appear to be relatively resistant to treatment.”

The author goes on to explain:

“There is a high probability that any person with a chronic pain syndrome has a concomitant psychological disorder, most notably depression and/or anxiety. The relationship between chronic pain and depression/anxiety is well established. The causal arrow between pain and these disorders can point in either direction and over time may form a positive feedback loop between these two elements.”

There are many ways patients can seek out integrated health solutions for long-term health issues. While only two are presented here, it’s clear that many health care professionals are working hard to identify how their treatment plans can be integrated with Chiropractic to best serve their patients. Schedule an appointment with us today in order to talk to your Chiropractor about collaborative treatment plans for any long-term health concerns you may have.


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