Certified Concussion Clinic
Acute Concussion Management
When it comes to acute concussion, early assessment and education is the key to better outcomes. Research shows seeking treatment within the first 72 hours are the most critical in predicting recovery. That’s why we reserve a number of appointments each week specifically for suspected concussion cases.
Persistent Concussion Syndrome (PCS)
When concussion symptoms persist more than 30 days a person is deemed to have PCS. Persistent symptoms are attributed disruption of at least one of the following:
Cerebral blood flow
Visual/vestibular dysfunction
Cervical spine dysfunction
Baseline Testing
A baseline test is a battery of tests that measures various areas of brain function that could potentially become affected following a concussion. It is completed when an athlete is healthy, and does not have a concussion.
Baseline testing is not needed for everyone. It has been used for high level or high-risk athletes for many years. High- risk athletes are considered to be those who play contact or collision sports like hockey, football, rugby but also those where concussions occur often- like soccer, basketball, skiing and snowboarding. It is not recommended for children under 10 years old.