Proud to offer FootMaxx Custom Orthotics
Comfort or Arthritic.
Choose from a variety of top covers designed with comfort in mind. HeelMaxx modifications add comfort for those struggling with heel pain and spurs. Neuroma pads can provide relief for Morton’s Neuroma with pad placement specific to your needs. Forefoot pain or “Metatarsalgia” is relieved with the use of metatarsal pads which can be altered for size and location to meet your needs.
An underlying biomechanical problem of the foot or ankle can cause problems at other points in the kinetic chain and may be the source of your chronic knee arthritis, your low back pain, or shoulder impingement as adaptations to restricted movement have had maladaptive effects on other tissues. Corrective postings and other modifications that create stability of the foot through all its phases of gait can have a significantly positive impact.
Sport Specific.
FootMaxx offers Golf Premium™ , Court Premium™, and Premium Marathoner™ Orthotics in addition to a Premium All Sport™ Orthotic. Sportmaxx™ Orthotics can be made for Hockey, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Soccer, Ski/Board, and Tennis. We are able to custom fitting for specific brands of shoes, skates, and ski boots.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If you intend to recover the costs of your orthotics through a health insurance plan, you will need a prescription.
Every insurance plan has slightly different rules. In most cases, Chiropractors are allowed to write the prescription. However, some plans require a physician, podiatrist, or chiropodist to write the prescription which you will need to have before you order your orthotics. Our chiropractors can help you out by providing a diagnosis to your referring physician if needed.
The biomechanical and gait assessment takes about 30-45 minutes and costs $85. If custom orthotics are determined to be right for you, this cost is waived and you only pay for the orthotics: $425.
Optional additional costs exist if you’d like rush processing at the lab or rush shipping. Each of this is an extra $25.
There are no additional fees for fitting the orthotics or for appointments pertaining to modifications of the orthotics.
Timelines are very variable and can take as little as 3 days and as much as 8 weeks. Most people see their orthotics within 30 days.
If booking online book an initial assessment labelled “Biomechanical and gait analysis”. This one hour appointment with one of our Doctors (either Dr. LeBlanc or Dr. Chisholm) will review what you’re looking to treat with custom orthotics then perform an indepth orthopaedic assessment of your lower limb function. From there they will use the FootMaxx dynamic Gait Scanner and have you walk across a force plate several times to collect data for gait analysis. From here the data is sent to the FootMaxx lab where some wonderfully nerdy biomechanists assess every single joint mechanic against “ideal” and send a report back to the doctor.
The doctor then determines a treatment plan to address your initial goals and may or may not recommend custom orthotics. If this will be part of your treatment plan then your feet will be captured on our 3D Scanner so that the image of your feet remains in 3D at all times. This information is sent immediately to the lab, cutting down on shipping and wait times.
We use the FootMaxx 3Dmaxx Scanner technology to capture the data of your feet. This 3D scanner can take semi-weightbearing, weightbearing, and non-weightbearing images and transmit the data directly to the lab.
Unlike foam and plaster casts where that information is then inverse-moulded, 2D scanner, and then re-inverted into a 3D rendering of your foot, the 3Dmaxx keeps the info of your foot in 3D at all times.
Custom orthotics are part of an evidence based treatment plan for the following conditions:
-Bunions or ‘Hallux Valgus’
-Morton’s Neuroma
-Plantar fasciopathy and heel spurs
-Achilles tendinopathy
-Chondromalacia patella
-Shin splints
-Hammer toes/Claw toes
-Corns and calluses
-Dropped metatarsal heads
-IT Band syndrome
-Piriformis syndrome
-Congenitally short Achilles or tightened calf muscles